Increasing education opportunities for a growing region
Owing to population growth and popularity of the school, Epping West Public School has reached capacity triggering the establishment of a new catchment and new primary school in the Epping Primary School Community Group – New Epping South Public School.
The new primary school at Epping South provides Core 35 facilities, allowing for future growth in this high-density area, with 25 new homebases ready for Day 1, Term 1, 2023. The ultimate capacity will be 1,000 students. In stage 2 another 8 relocatable DfMA classrooms will be moved from Epping West PS to balance demand. The site has some significant constraints including sloping site, endangered Blue Gum trees and bushfire protection zones which limit the area for construction. Planning pathway includes a State Significant Development Application (SSDA).
Our role
MBB provided Project Management services to assist the development and finalisation of a fast-tracked Final Business Case for the combined Epping Schools project, targeting an SSDA pathway with coordinated design management.
A fast-tracked Final Business Case for both New Epping South and Epping West schools was undertaken based on Master Plan completed in 10 weeks, including the SINSW Assurance Review Process. MBB managed the design team collaboratively through the challenges of the site weighing risks, costs and opportunities to evaluate the optimal Master Plan option for SINSW. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage requirements were identified early and managed toward the SSD Application, and design contributing to the potential for community usage out of school hours was emphasised.
Given the constraints of the site and requirements of establishing new school grounds, an independent certified Environmental Protection Agency consultant was recommended to reduce time and planning risk.
Our services
Schools Infrastructure NSW (SINSW)
Project Value
Project Type
New School Phases 0 to 2
Project Dates
April 2020 – October 2020