Facilitating the transfer of power for a sustainable energy network
The Remaining North West Transmission Developments (RNWTD) is the second key component of Project Marinus, which is creating a critical energy link between Tasmania and Victoria.
The first component, the Marinus Link, consists of two 750 mW High Voltage Direct Current interconnectors across Bass Strait.
The RNWTD provides High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) Tasmanian transmission network upgrades required to support Marinus Link.
Both projects are being developed by TasNetworks – the Tasmanian authority for the transmission and distribution of electricity.
Our role
MBB has been engaged by TasNetworks as Transaction and Commercial Advisor. Our team is providing end-to-end commercial advice and transaction management to support TasNetworks in accordance with Government’s required timeframes and commercial principles.
MBBs role includes development of the procurement and commercial strategy for the RNWTD, excluding Staverton to Hampshire Hills which is under a separate procurement. The strategy was informed by a market sounding exercise that engaged with potential market participants to ensure the considerations and objectives of the approach would generate interest in the project.
This has been made possible by leveraging MBB’s significant energy infrastructure experience, along with our knowledge of modern market expectations and issues.
Following approval of the procurement and commercial strategy, the MBB team has moved into the transaction readiness phase, developing procurement documentation and undertaking planning ahead of the RFP.
Our services
Project Value
Project Type
Strategy, Commercial, Transaction Management
Form of Contract
Project Dates
January 2022 - Ongoing