Rydalmere Education Precinct (NSW)

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Rydalmere Education Precinct (NSW)

Creating more effective pathways for Rydalmere students

The Rydalmere Education Precinct is a proposed co-located Primary and High School development in Rydalmere catering for over 3,000 students. The project will integrate the delivery of major state-of-the-art education infrastructure with a wider mixed-use, education and residential precinct development – driving whole-of-government value for money.

The proposed solution was technically and commercially challenging, involving a land swap with Western Sydney University, shared-use community infrastructure provision and the development of innovative education pathways between school and university.

Our role

MBB was engaged as School Infrastructure NSW (SINSW)’s Business Case Consultant for the Final Business Case. This involved investment logic mapping, options development, economic and financial appraisal, coordination with other advisors and writing the business case. As the Project was classified Tier 2 by iNSW, MBB were also supporting the Final Business Case through investment decision assurance.

The team was flexible and agile to changes in the wider precinct delivery strategy, accommodating a six-week delay for negotiation of land acquisition and delivery strategy with no impact to the original fee and program agreement.

A fast-tracked Final Business Case was developed by the team and delivered to Internal Assurance within five weeks of scope confirmation, including facilitation of value management workshops to gain endorsement of the options shortlist and preferred approach from key stakeholder groups.

The Service Need and investment logic for the Business Case received the highest rating (Strong) from Assurance.

Our services

  • Investment logic mapping
  • Options development and consultation
  • Value management workshops for endorsement
  • Liaison with project and consultant teams
  • Economic and financial appraisals
  • Benefits realisation
  • Business case development
  • Support with internal and iNSW assurance reviews

Project Overview


Schools Infrastructure NSW (SINSW)

Project Value


Project Type

Education Precinct Business Case

Project Dates

January – July 2021