Improving school outside the classroom improves learning inside the classroom
The redevelopment of Tweed Heads South Public School will create new and improved education facilities for students.
When complete, the works will provide new permanent learning spaces and core facilities, including new future focused learning environments, a new library, new canteen, improved playground and outdoor spaces, new out-of-school-hours facilities, and a more visually appealing and practical street entry.
Our role
MBB are providing Project Management Services, progressing the works from project initiation through to the delivery of the tender and construction.
Rapid Consensus Workshops held at the schools were critical in fast tracking the delivery of the Project Initiation, Masterplan and Concept phases in a six-week period. The workshops were an effective tool to arrive at a preferred option through stakeholder consultation.
MBB managed the Aboriginal Consultation process enabling the completion of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment to support the planning pathways and community consultation workshops.
Our services
Schools Infrastructure NSW (SINSW)
Project Value
Project Type
Project Initiation – Delivery
Project Dates
September 2019 - Present